One pet,

For your thoughts.

This Moment is a mobile app that aims to help form a self-motivated journaling habit.

independent project




UX Designer / UI Designer / Branding / Visual Design / Illustrator / 3D Design

05 Nov. - 25 Dec. 2021

Figma, C4D, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects


After the Covid 19 breakout, apps related to mental health and self-care are rising massively. Meditation, mindfulness, mood tracker, and journaling apps continue their surge amid the pandemic. According to a report from the app store, from January to April 2020, mental wellness apps reached close to 10 million total downloads for a month. As one of the 10 million, I am curious if my disappointment with my journaling app is common.

The challenge of this project was to examine digital experiences of writing journals and identify what users may be lacking in the current user experience.

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